I am a new user to VBA and have been writing custom
macro's for Excel. Most of the coding seems fine and easy
with regards to objects, properties and methods but
there's one that just doesn't work........well I can't get
it to work though everyone say's it should. It concerns
the Autpen feature of VBA. I have used this build in
funcion to automatically run a macro on startup of the
workbook (see example below)
Msgbox "Hello"
End Sub
when saving this code within a module contained in that
workbook it does not seem to have the desired effect as it
should.......does anyone have any ideas ?
Secondly, I want a macro to run contuously whilst i'm in a
workbook which could constantly keep a track of what cells
i'm clicking into and note their addresses and perform
some other action as a result. I know how to construct do,
do until and do while loops but, cannot get the update of
cell addressing.
Any help on either of these would be most grateful...thanx
macro's for Excel. Most of the coding seems fine and easy
with regards to objects, properties and methods but
there's one that just doesn't work........well I can't get
it to work though everyone say's it should. It concerns
the Autpen feature of VBA. I have used this build in
funcion to automatically run a macro on startup of the
workbook (see example below)
Msgbox "Hello"
End Sub
when saving this code within a module contained in that
workbook it does not seem to have the desired effect as it
should.......does anyone have any ideas ?
Secondly, I want a macro to run contuously whilst i'm in a
workbook which could constantly keep a track of what cells
i'm clicking into and note their addresses and perform
some other action as a result. I know how to construct do,
do until and do while loops but, cannot get the update of
cell addressing.
Any help on either of these would be most grateful...thanx