Alberto Brivio

Dear All,

as you can see, this is an instruction to save a .CSV file from an excel
file, but this conversion keep 2 decimal places only, so my question is how
can I get 4 decimal places?

instruction is

If iUno <> 0 And iDue <> 0 Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Workbooks.Open sNomeFile, 0, True
sNomeFile = Replace(UCase(sNomeFile), "PRICES", "PricesNew")
sNomeFile = Replace(UCase(sNomeFile), ".XLS", ".csv")
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sNomeFile, xlTextMSDOS, False
objExcel = Nothing
End If


Alberto Brivio


Convert each number to text before making the sheet CSV

Cell = Format(Cell.Value, "@")

If iUno <> 0 And iDue <> 0 Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Workbooks.Open sNomeFile, 0, True
sNomeFile = Replace(UCase(sNomeFile), "PRICES", "PricesNew")
sNomeFile = Replace(UCase(sNomeFile), ".XLS", ".csv")

With objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set LastCell = .Cells _
Set ShtRange = .Range("A1", LastCell)
End With
For Each Cell In ShtRange
If IsNumeric(Cell) Then
Cell = Format(Cell.Value, "@")
End If
Next Cell
objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sNomeFile, xlTextMSDOS, False

objExcel = Nothing
End If

Dave Peterson

I ran a skinnied down version of your macro in xl2003 and it kept lots more than
2 digits.

Do you have a number format applied to the data (in excel)?

Are the last 2 decimal places 0?

Are you checking the output by opening the CSV file in Notepad?

If you're opening in excel, try widening the columns after you open the .csv

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