VBA5, Select and work with wdDialog... fields


Joachim Grimm


I am looking for a solution to select fields in an integrated Word dialog
(like wdDialogFileSummaryInfo) to set the focus to one of this fields
(Title, Author, ...) and to set the cursor to a position inside the field
text - without using 'SendKeys'.

{In UserForm-TextBoxes I would use the <textbox>.SetFocus and
<textbox>.SelStart, ... commands.}

Best regards, Joachim

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Joachim,
I am looking for a solution to select fields in an integrated Word dialog
(like wdDialogFileSummaryInfo) to set the focus to one of this fields
(Title, Author, ...) and to set the cursor to a position inside the field
text - without using 'SendKeys'.

{In UserForm-TextBoxes I would use the <textbox>.SetFocus and
<textbox>.SelStart, ... commands.}
there is (unfortunately) no equivalent for this. I suppose one could
probably get to them using the Windows API, but that's something you'd
probably have better luck getting help on from a VB, C++ or other "higher
language" development group.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

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