VBE Design: Missing PLUS-SIGN....?



I have encounterd this problem by removing command COLONS, and i was
wondering about RED-CODE-LINE, i have replaced it with old line from
DB-Backup....That was the whole Problem
i_cnt = _
i_cnt + 1
After: Cursor behind conti line marker '_', and press 'Backspace ( <- )'
After: Cursor behind conti line marker '_', and press 'Delete' and
'Backspace ( <- )' ....OK
*** MZ TOOLS , combine lines works OK ***
---------- After: Cursor behind conti line marker '_', and press 'Backspace
( <- )' ....now NOT WRONG
i_cnt = _
1 + i_cnt
-----------------TEST WITH two plus signs -----------------------
i_cnt = _
i_cnt + 1 + 2
--- After: Cursor behind conti line marker '_', and press 'Backspace ( <- )'
i_cnt =
i_cnt 1 + 2
--- After: Undo Delete , Conti line marker restored, Plus sign NOT
i_cnt = _
i_cnt 1 + 2

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