VBQ Questions. Why does nobody answer my questions?




Sorry to sound so forward but I need the answers to the
below questions by tomorrow morning! I am desprate.

Here are the questions:

1. What built in object would you use to execute Macro
commands from VBA

2. If you want to write your own custom validation
function for a control,
what event would you attach to this?

3. What form property would you set to write cached data
to the underlying

4. What must you include in the declaration of an object
in order for it to
trigger events?

5. In VBA, is it possible to use a For Each ... next loop
with your own
collection class? Why?

Thank any of you that can get me the answers to these
questions or direct me
to where I can find them ASAP.

Howard Kaikow

Such questions are best asked in the context of a particular Office app.
A good place to start is with a VBA boom oriented towards the Office App of

For Word, see the list of Word VBA books at my URL below.

For Excel, start with John Walkenbach's books and the Wrox press Excel VBA

For Outlook, start with Sue Mosher and Randy Byrne's books.

In addition, get Ken Getz VBA Developer's Handbook.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Troy,
Sorry to sound so forward but I need the answers to the
below questions by tomorrow morning!
And to answer the question in your subject:

1) I don't see any questions from you in this newsgroup, so
if they questions aren't here, no one can answer

2) The questions you post in this message are so vague as
to be unanswerable. There's no context - not even which
programming environment you're working in. You don't say
what kind of control, what kind of form, what kind of

Sounds like you're headed for an exam, and haven't read the
texts or attended the lectures.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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