VBscripts don't execute



I installed FP2003 on a WinXp Pro w/SP2 machine.
Everything works fine except that none of my ASP pages
written in vbscript work. It looks like the script is
just bypassed. No error msgs, no nothing! When I use the
script editor that comes with FP, the scripts still don't
execute. I can't even get the breakpoint debug to break
in the vbscript. I've looked everywhere in the settings
to see if I missed somthing. I don't know if its FP or
WinXP or IE6 that's the problem. I also have IIS 5.1
running on my pc. The HTML executes fine, but not the
vbscript. Where and what should I be looking at????

Kevin Spencer

Requirements for ASP:

1. Server-based web, hosted on IIS, with ASP installed
2. Page must have a .asp extension
3. HTTP Request

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.


The asp work fine on the web host, but not on my machine that I use to
develope the webpage. Does that mean that I can not use FP to write .asp
files and test them out befor publishing to the webpage?

Thomas A. Rowe

Make sure you are accessing the page in your browser via http://localhost/pagename.asp, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mike Mueller

Do you have the appropriate permissions set on your local
server so that scripts can be run?

JoeG wrote:
: The asp work fine on the web host, but not on my machine
: that I use to develope the webpage. Does that mean that I
: can not use FP to write .asp files and test them out
: befor publishing to the webpage?
: "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
:: Requirements for ASP:
:: 1. Server-based web, hosted on IIS, with ASP installed
:: 2. Page must have a .asp extension
:: 3. HTTP Request
:: --
:: HTH,
:: Kevin Spencer
:: ..Net Developer
:: Microsoft MVP
:: Neither a follower
:: nor a lender be.
:: ::: I installed FP2003 on a WinXp Pro w/SP2 machine.
::: Everything works fine except that none of my ASP pages
::: written in vbscript work. It looks like the script is
::: just bypassed. No error msgs, no nothing! When I use the
::: script editor that comes with FP, the scripts still
::: don't execute. I can't even get the breakpoint debug to
::: break in the vbscript. I've looked everywhere in the
::: settings to see if I missed somthing. I don't know if
::: its FP or WinXP or IE6 that's the problem. I also have
::: IIS 5.1 running on my pc. The HTML executes fine, but
::: not the vbscript. Where and what should I be looking
::: at????


What I'm doing is in FP I create a .asp using vbscript. I save it. Then I hit
the "preview in browser" command. My browser comes up, but the vbscript does
not execute. No errors, no nothing except a blank page. I'm doing this on a
box running Win XP w/SP2 + IIS vers 5.1

Thomas A. Rowe

You must have the web site open in FP via http, not a drive letter.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Kevin Spencer

It means that you can not use FP to test ASP pages out before publishing if
the requirements I listed are not present.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.


Problem solved. Thanks a million to those that took the time to answer. Being
a newbie to webpage design I was unable to figure it out that one needs to
open the page with the browser and use "http:\\localhost\..... " instead of
driveletter:\. I did not realize there was a difference. Again. Thanks!!




JoeG said:
Problem solved. Thanks a million to those that took the time to answer.
a newbie to webpage design I was unable to figure it out that one needs to
open the page with the browser and use "http:\\localhost\..... " instead
driveletter:\. I did not realize there was a difference. Again. Thanks!!

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