vcard in websites



I would like to have a button on a web page you press and will save outlook
data to the viewers address book. I have seen this on a few websites. If I
make a .vcf and have that be a link does the browser do the rest?
I know I need to make a vcard from outlook. I do not know the other steps.

Frontpage group sent me over here.

can you give me some tips on this project.

Thank You


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

It's just a file, so you work with it like any other file -- uploading it to your web site, then adding links on the pages you want people to be able to download it from.

If you're using FrontPage, after you save the vCard, drag that .vcf file into FrontPage, into the folder where you want to store it on your web site. (Or use the equivalent File | Insert or Import somethingorother command.) You can then drag it onto a page where you want to create the link.

Vince Averello

Is your PC set to open VCF files in Outlook? Just tried it here using
FireFox 3.51 & Outlook 2010 and it worked fine.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You misspelled Texas in your address. Just an FYI since people may judge
your legal expertise by your adeptness with spelling.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Tina asked:

| I am not successful with this fix.
| Here is my example:
| Go to this web page:
| Then click on
| the brown button "Add to Outlook"
| It just comes up as script language, rather than opening as an
| outlook vCard! Please help me figure out this fix?


Thanks to EVERYONE! It is working correctly now.
I had to get through to the current Web Host (which is in transfer as I
write this) to set the MIME type settings to read all .vcf files.
So that's what was missing... everyone may have responded only after I had
this fix implemented.
However, big thanks for the mispelling. Sometimes I don't get the spell
check done (from copy) until it's actually ready to be implemented for all
viewers. Thanks for letting me know!


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