I gave a graph with date values on X-Axis & values from -50000 to 300000 on
Y-Axis. Currently my data labels on X Axis are seen touching accross the
'0'th position of Y axis (i.e. data labels are comming in middle of my graph
on 0th position across y axis). I would like to move down the data labels to
appear on x axis touching y axis at -50000 point instead of 0th point. Can
someone help me here?
I gave a graph with date values on X-Axis & values from -50000 to 300000 on
Y-Axis. Currently my data labels on X Axis are seen touching accross the
'0'th position of Y axis (i.e. data labels are comming in middle of my graph
on 0th position across y axis). I would like to move down the data labels to
appear on x axis touching y axis at -50000 point instead of 0th point. Can
someone help me here?