I'm trying to figure out how to present information on a line whils
additionally showing the movement in two values over time. Say Incom
and Growth (on the X and Y axis). Additionally I want to show th
direction of the movment that indicates its vector over the two point
of observation.
For example on product A, income and growth on the 1/jan/05 was 5% an
-1% respectively, and on the 1/jan/06 was 7% and 0% respectively. S
I'd like a single line segment and an arrow vector showing th
direction of movement from Jan to Dec.
I'm trying to figure out how to present information on a line whils
additionally showing the movement in two values over time. Say Incom
and Growth (on the X and Y axis). Additionally I want to show th
direction of the movment that indicates its vector over the two point
of observation.
For example on product A, income and growth on the 1/jan/05 was 5% an
-1% respectively, and on the 1/jan/06 was 7% and 0% respectively. S
I'd like a single line segment and an arrow vector showing th
direction of movement from Jan to Dec.