Venn diagrams... How do I enter text?



Hello all, Im trying to create a venn diagram but the only way I can
figure out how to insert text is through a text box. If I do it like
this though I then run into the problem of the venn diagram being to
small... Any ideas? thanks

Stefan Blom

If you are using AutoShapes (ovals) to crete the Venn diagram, you can
right-click a shape and choose the Add Text option. Is this what you
are doing? If so, to get more room for the text you can either make
the autoshapes bigger (in which case more text will fit inside it), or
decrease the font size of their text.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


Stefan said:
If you are using AutoShapes (ovals) to crete the Venn diagram, you can
right-click a shape and choose the Add Text option. Is this what you
are doing? If so, to get more room for the text you can either make
the autoshapes bigger (in which case more text will fit inside it), or
decrease the font size of their text.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Hello all, Im trying to create a venn diagram but the only way I can
figure out how to insert text is through a text box. If I do it like
this though I then run into the problem of the venn diagram being to
small... Any ideas? thanks

No I am trying to use the built in venn diagram with microsoft word, by
going to insert>diagram>venn diagram

any ideas? thanks

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Davedave,
Im trying to create a venn diagram but the only way I can
figure out how to insert text is through a text box. If I do it like
this though I then run into the problem of the venn diagram being to
How can it be too small? Adding a text box (on top of a circle)
doesn't influence the size of the diagram? You should even be able to
"pull" the "click here" boxes onto the circles?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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