Versions or outline codes ?




In what case is it recommended to use the "built-in" version system and in
which case is it recommended to use a enterprise project outline code to
achieve a similar result ?
There should be several project versions like : proposed, approved, active,
closed, canceled, on-hold



Dale Howard [MVP]

Marco --

Versions are generally used to capture the state of the project at a certain
point in time. For example, the sample database that ships with Project
Server 2003 contains a version called Target, which is used to capture the
state of the project immediately after baselining the project and before
actuals after entered. In other words, the Target version shows exactly
what the project looked like before the PM began entering actuals and
managing changes to the project. After the project is finished, the PM can
compare the completed project with the Target version of the project and
look for changes between them.

The outline code you are describing might be called the Production Status of
the project, and can be used to indicate what stage the project is currently
in. I am currently working with a client who needs such an outline code for
their own status tracking needs. Based on your question, I'm wondering if
you might use a version called Target to capture the pre-production state of
the project and then use outline codes to describe the current status of the
project. Just a thought. Perhaps the others have some ideas, too.

Reid McTaggart

I think Dale gave a pretty good answer based on the limited information you
provided, and very possibly answered your question.

The answer really depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you can
explain what you want to achieve, we can give a more pointed answer.


This was indeed a good answer. I am just learning how to use and work with
Project Server and I am gathering information which I can use to decide how
we will configure the server in our company.

Another thought is following: Why make use of project versions if you can
save multiple baselines within a single project. What is recommended here ?

A feature we really need is the comparison of the initial project plan and
the subsequent versions/baselines with an update cycle of about 4 months for
projects with a duration of about 2 year.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Marco --

If you save a project as a separate Version, such as the Target version in
the sample database, you capture the COMPLETE project as it existed before
beginning work on the project. When the project is completed, you are
compare the finished production project with the original Target project
using the built-in Compare Project Versions add-in (View - Toolbars -
Compare Project Versions). Using this tool, you can analyze any or all
differences between the original and finished projects, such as whether you
added tasks, removed tasks, changed Durations, etc. How do you think you
would accomplish the same thing using multiple baselines? Hope this helps.

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