vertical position of cursor?



By right clicking the Status Bar and by putting a check mark in the Vertical
Page Position, I get a one decimal position, instead of 2 or 3 decimal
positions, of where I'm at on the page. I'm trying to convert a Lotus Wordpro
97 list of recipes in which it gives me the position both vertically and
horizontally to 3 decimal places.

Any help would kindly be appeciated.


What is it that you're trying to reproduce? Is there a reason that you
need to know the positions of things in thousandths of a -- what?
inch? point? pica?

What happens if you simply import the text, and format it using Styles
or even a Form?


I have had a stroke and so I have trouble understanding things until I've
tried them about 5 times. That said, now I'm learning Word 2007.

I have about 100 cards (4"x 6") that I've done in Lotus 1997. I want to
change to Word from here on in. My files will have the documents mixed
together, and I don't want them to be different. Also, space is critical and
I can't afford to lose the last line of text in Word.

So, by right clicking the status bar and putting a check in Vertical Page
Position, I get a one decimal position of where I'm at in the document. I
need two decimal position. Is there any way of getting this?


Greg Maxey


There is an old saw that goes ... Never use more than 3 words to say
"I don't know"

What difference does it make why Dave wants to know the vertical
position? Even without knowing why it seems like a perfectly valid


AFIAK, you can't change the permanent Status Bar display to show posit
to two or three decimal places. You can get that information and
display it momentarily by running a macro:

Sub GetIPPosit()
Dim x As Single
Dim y As Single
Dim pStr As String
x = Selection.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage)
pStr = "Cursor position: Horizontal(Points: " & Format(x, "##0.000") &
" Picas: " & Format((x / 12), "##0.000") & _
" Inches: " & Format((x / 72), "##0.000") & ")"
y = Selection.Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage)
pStr = pStr & " Veritcal(Points: " & Format(y, "##0.000") & _
" Picas: " & Format((y / 12), "##0.000") & _
" Inches: " & Format((y / 72), "##0.000") & ")"
StatusBar = pStr
End Sub

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