Vertical scroll bar not appearing


Jim Burke in Novi

I asked this the other day, figured I'll try again. I'm using Access 2000.

I have a form that has a tab control with several tabs. I set the form's
Scroll Bars property to Vertical Only (I also tried Both). When I go to a tab
that has information that doesn't fit on the screen the scroll bar does not
appear and there is no way to get to the lower section of the tab. Any ideas?
ANy help is appreciated!

Damian S

Hi Jim,

If it is just a single tab that requires the scroll bar, have you considered
putting the controls from that tab into a subform with a vertical scrollbar?


Jim Burke in Novi

I don't want to do any re-desigining if I can help it. I just want to see if
there's a reason the scroll bar doesn't appear. It seems to me that either a)
you can't use them on a form with tabs, in which case I have no option other
than re-design, or b) there's something causing the scroll bar not to appear,
in which case I can fix it so the scroll bar appears. Do you know if they
just can't be used on a form with tabs?

Tim Ferguson

I have a form that has a tab control with several tabs. I set the
form's Scroll Bars property to Vertical Only (I also tried Both). When
I go to a tab that has information that doesn't fit on the screen the
scroll bar does not appear and there is no way to get to the lower
section of the tab. Any ideas?

Because there is nothing on the form that is demanding extra space. The
container that is being overflowed is the tab page, not the form.

Make the tab page bigger. Then the vertical scroll bar will appear on the
form. Ugly as hell, though. Try reading some Windows Forms Design
Standards documents. Or Joe Spolsky.

Private sub MyTabControl_Change()
' this is imaginary and completely untested, but
' it should get you started

If myTabControl.Page = 3 Then
myTabControl.Height = 2898
myTabControl.Height = 786
End If

End Sub

B Wishes

Tim F

John Spencer

Are you using subforms on the tab control?
If so, have you set the subform's scrollbars?

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Jim Burke in Novi

I had already tried making it bigger. No dice. It had been working fine until
I made some changes recently, but can't for the life of me figure out what I
did that would cause the scroll bar to no longer appear. I have old versions
of the appl where it shows up fine.

Jim Burke in Novi

NO subforms, just a form that has some fields at the top, then a tab below
that with several tab pages. It was working fine for the longest time, then
somewhere along the line some changes I made caused the scroll bar to no
longer appear. The point is I know it worked before, and now it's not, but I
can't figure out what changes I made that caused the problem. I looked at a
backup version of the appl from a while ago and the scollbar worked fine.
I've done something in the VBA code or on the form itself to cause the

Tim Ferguson

I had already tried making it bigger. No dice. It had been working
fine until I made some changes recently, but can't for the life of me
figure out what I did that would cause the scroll bar to no longer
appear. I have old versions of the appl where it shows up fine.

Me being thick: it's not the height of the tab page that makes the scroll
bar appear, it's the height of the form (strictly, the detail section)...

if myTabControl.Page = 3 then
myTabControl.Height = 2998
me.section(acDetail).Height = 3550

' etc

I guess what you did was to reduce the height of the form so that it
fitted in the the window.

Hope that helps

Tim F

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