Vertical Text box will not use designated font.


Jon H

I am attempting to print a deposit slip for banking purposes. The Route &
Account numbers need to appear vertically on one edge. I am using a standard
TrueType MICR font for Windows purchased last December. It works fine until I
set the vertical property to yes. The font on the Print Preview then changes
to something else. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Matt Wickham

If you change the Vertical property for a font, and the font name changes, it
is because the font does not support that property properly. All truetype
fonts should generally support the Vertical property, and you can test this
by changing the fontname to any (other) truetype font on your system and
setting the vertical property. If you set the fontname to a non-truetype
font (such as Roman on my system), the vertical property does not work and
the fontname will change. Is it possible that your MICR font is not really
truetype? If so, it seems that it does not support this property and you
would have to purchase or find a different one.

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