vertically align text downwards in shapes



I've created a custom shape in Visio 2003, containing two text boxes
one above the other. The problem is the following:When entering text in
the lower box it expands vertically (up and down)and covers the upper
text box. How can I align the text in such a way that it only expands



Paul Herber

I've created a custom shape in Visio 2003, containing two text boxes
one above the other. The problem is the following:When entering text in
the lower box it expands vertically (up and down)and covers the upper
text box. How can I align the text in such a way that it only expands

Select the shape and open the shapesheet (Window menu).
Ensure that there is a TextTransform section, if not then add one.
Set the cell TxtLocPinY to TxtHeight
Do do the opposite and make the text only go upwards set the cell to
You may also need to set the cell TxtPinY to Height so that the text
starts at the top of the shape.

John Marshall, MVP

Interesting approach. Your approach would allow more flexiblity, rather than
forcing the text to the very top with the first character typed, you could
set up the shapesheet to initially start with space at the top, grow up and
down for a few lines and then just grow down.

The other alternate is to set the VerticalAlign in the Text Block Format
Section to 0. (0 is top down, 1 is centered, 2 is bottom up)

John... Visio MVP

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Paul Herber

Thanks John, but I was going to say that your method was far easier
i.e. not having to muck around in the shapesheet, however, if the
texttransform section has already been created then certain settings
prevent the Format ->Text -> Block -> Alignment from working.

Interesting approach. Your approach would allow more flexiblity, rather than
forcing the text to the very top with the first character typed, you could
set up the shapesheet to initially start with space at the top, grow up and
down for a few lines and then just grow down.

The other alternate is to set the VerticalAlign in the Text Block Format
Section to 0. (0 is top down, 1 is centered, 2 is bottom up)

John... Visio MVP

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Thanks guys,

However, neither option works. I think the problem is bigger and since
I am a newbie, I def. need some help getting this straight.

The first shape (which I did not create) worked fine and included a
mapping xml file.
I'm trying to connect a new shape to the original one, group both and
after modifying the xml file, import into an application which then
generates information to be filled in both shapes.

What am I doing wrong? Cause now I am also getting an error message:
'Unable to find connector master. Can not draw tree.'

Paul Herber schreef:
Thanks John, but I was going to say that your method was far easier
i.e. not having to muck around in the shapesheet, however, if the
texttransform section has already been created then certain settings
prevent the Format ->Text -> Block -> Alignment from working.

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