I think you may have missunderstood the way this forum works. It is a peer
to peer forum - mind you its not really or no one would ever ask a question
as everyone would have the same amount of skill.
In your posts you seem to not like being lectured.
If you want to go off on another tangent, lecture me about how to best
capture and represent hierachic data in a relational database.
But thats the way it is (and should be). If you ask a question such as how
to I get a person's full name into a table field. The answer will come back
that you should not be storeing both sets data in the same field (1stname and
2ndName) and that you should redesign your table
structure......etc......etc.....etc. If you don't like these sorts of answer
then it's not a good idea to post here. Yes the answer was a lecutre in the
correct method of storeing data (it should be relative to the primary field
and "most" importantly - individual). Lectures are what you ask for when you
ask a question.
Everyone who posts here is on the learning curve somewhere - some high up on
the curve with lots of experience (in access) and other just starting off and
trying to create a simple application. If you ask a question you are looking
to have someone futhure along the curve than you answer. Now, you may not
like the answer or the way it's given, but you'll find that (most of the
time) the answer is valid. Don't get upset if some tells you that what you
have worked on for ages is just wrong. Redo it and smile. You have just
moved futhure along the curve.
Rick gave you a really good answer. The way he gave it was in his style. I
give answers (and ask questions) in my style, so do you. We all do. Thats
just the way life is. If you don't like the "way" an answer is given - don't
worry, accept the advice given or not thats up to you. But if the answer is
given by an MVP then its normally a good idea to accept it, even if it means
you need to go back over something you thought was right and redo it - like
your concencated linking fields - sorry but that's the wrong way to do. OK
it "could and will" work but there are better ways to do it that will not
lead to the problems you'll have if you continue to think along these lines.
Good luck with your application