Very Large File size after inserting small graphic


Judy Cox

I am Using Office 2000. When ever I insert or link a
graphic into a document, the resulting file size is about
40 times larger than it should be. For example, I insert a
graphic that is 23 KB into a Word File that is 48 KB. When
I save the file it is 2,226 KB. I've tried inserting and
linking the graphic with the same result. "Allow Fast
Save" is turned off. I've tried Save As but that doesn't
help. Is this normal? Will it help if I upgrade to 2002?



You have little control over graphics images if you copy
or cut and paste them into a word document. Although many
use this option, it is not ideal for higher level
formatting and editing.

Instead try....

Coverting graphic images to JPG format, keeping a good
quality mix between the resolution and image size. On
screen viewing is quite capably set at 72 dots per inch.
BMP files are just large. Always convert them before
inserting. Same thing with TIFF files.


Judy Cox

Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the reply, but I'm not using bitmaps. I am
inserting .jpg images that are optimized and output from
Photoshop. I have tried file import and then import the
file into a Word file. The picture is 23 KB. The first
time I did it the Word file was only 169 KB. Then I
emailed it to someone. She changed a few words and the
file all of a sudden became 4,000 KB. She sent it back to
me and I've tried deleting the graphics and re-importing
them and have also tried linking instead of importing, but
each time I save the file is huge. I've also tried "save
as" and that didn't work either.


I'm having a similar problem. I'm just replacing some jpgs that have changed, and each time delete and insert one, the Word file grows bigger. The replacement jpgs are not any bigger than the original.

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