In that case (Access 97), you need code something like the following UNTESTED
CODE in a module.
Public Function getPart(strIn as String, intPartNum as integer)
'Call this with getPart([YourFieldName],1) to get the first section.
Dim vArray as variant
vArray = Split(StrIn, vbCrLf)
If UBound(vArray)>intPartNum Then
getPart = vArray(intPartNum-1)
getPart = ""
End IF
End Function
'I got the following from a post in the users groups and I believe it was
'posted by MVP John Viescas. If not, I owe him an apology for posting his
'code to the internet and perpetuating the breaking of his copyright.
Public Function Split(strToSplit As String, _
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ", _
Optional intCount As Integer = -1, _
Optional intCompare As Integer = 0) As Variant
' Inputs: String to search,
' delimiter string,
' optional replacement limit (default = -1 .. ALL)
' optional string compare value (default vbBinaryCompare)
' Outputs: Array containing items found in the string
' based on the delimiter provided
' Created By: JLV 09/05/01 John Viescas
' Last Revised: JLV 09/05/01
' ** Duplicates the functionality of the VB 6 SPLIT function.
Dim strWork As String, intCnt As Integer, intIndex As Integer
Dim intI As Integer, strArray() As String
If (intCompare < 0) Or (intCompare > 2) Then
Err.Raise 5
Exit Function
End If
strWork = strToSplit
intCnt = intCount
' If count is zero, return the empty array
If intCnt = 0 Then
Split = strArray
Exit Function
End If
' If the Delimiter is zero-length, return a 1-entry array
If strDelimiter = "" Then
ReDim strArray(0)
strArray(0) = strWork
Split = strArray
Exit Function
End If
' Decrement count by 1 because function returns
' whatever is left at the end
intCnt = intCnt - 1
' Loop until the counter is zero
Do Until intCnt = 0
intI = InStr(1, strWork, strDelimiter, intCompare)
' If delimiter not found, end the loop
If intI = 0 Then Exit Do
' Add 1 to the number returned
intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Expand the array
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
' Use index - 1 .. zero-based array
strArray(intIndex - 1) = Left(strWork, intI - 1)
' Remove the found entry
strWork = Mid(strWork, intI + 1)
intCnt = intCnt - 1
' Put anything left over in the last entry of the array
If Len(strWork) > 0 Then
intIndex = intIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
strArray(intIndex - 1) = strWork
End If
' Return the result
Split = strArray
End Function