Very Long Note Containers



I have started to take notes on my desktop instead of my tablet (I love the
large screen). However, I have hit a snag...When I type my notes, and then I
switch to the highlighter on the pens toolbar, for some reason, it has made a
really large container for my notes. My highlighting and typing containers
are all placed inside the mega container. This wouldn't be so much of a
problem, except that now my audio isn't synced with my highlightings (since
in 2007 syncing is done by line in the container). My question is, does
anybody out there know how to get around this problem, so that my typing gets
it's own audio tag and my highlighting will get a seperate one.

I have posted pictures of what I'm talking about on my website. All I did
was do a CTRL-A and then screen clipped three times, one page down at a time
(so you can see how much of a runon container it is). I have also placed a
copy of the section on my site, so you can look at it too.




Taking notes on my tablet with a keyboard and mouse doesn't reproduce this
problem (meaning, it is just fine). The only way to break the container (and
not have it extend everytime I highlight the printed powerpoint) is to type

Can anybody reproduce this?


Rainald Taesler

Doehee Kim (MS) shared these words of wisdom:
I couldn't see the problem by opening the attached file on desktop
machine. Did you convert the ink highligting to drawing using
"Tools | Treat Selected Ink As | Drawing?" What is the setting of
"Tools | Pen Mode" on your desktop machine?

to me it seems that a pen an ink is *not* part of the game in Erik's

Rainald Taesler

Hi Erik,
I carefulley went through all of what you wrote and what you showed.
I downloaded the Notebook.

Still I cannot fully get the scenary:
In the notebook there is no large container - the images are
And: there's no sound attached so that I cannot try annotation and

In addition:
One the first image (pic-1.png) the highlight on the upper left shows
a "play sonund" icon.
Does this not work?

P.S. Would the following work as a workaround for the playback of
- create a container as long as the image and place it the side of the
- play back the sond and create typed annotations on a line on the
same height as the highlighted topic each

1viking1 shared these words of wisdom:

Rainald Taesler

1viking1 shared these words of wisdom:
Thanks, Rainald. You are correct. I'm trying to do 25 things at
once here.

I am just highlighting with a mouse on a non-tablet computer. I
honestly think that it has something to do with the OS (since it
works just fine on my tablet). What I need to do is find a
non-tablet user and try to verify that this, indeed, isn't working
with normal windows xp pro (which is what my desktop is running).

I'd be willing to further test things.
But from what you told7gave us sio far, I can not do that.


Rainald Taesler

1viking1 shared these words of wisdom:
The sound is missing, because I deleted it. I could put the
section back on, if you would like, that has the sound. It will
add 10 MB to the file (given that i have 2000GB of transfer and
200GB of storage, that isn't a concern).

OK, understandable.
I had in the mentime already checked it with some sound-file of mine.
Let me see if I understand your workaround. you want me to create a
container that is the length of the section, then, begin playback.
then, add notes to it?

But not really the "section". Just the page. And "page" in this case
rather meaning a page per image. I for one don't like long pages and
rather work with subpages.

When suggesting this, I did not know how adding marks for playback
might work otherwise.
Never before had tried "jump-points" for playback with just
highlighting over an image.
But that seems to work. There's the playback icon in front of the
Seems that so far I missed quite something ... :-( :-(
Might work, I'll give it a try. The
container is only made using the highlighting tool. Texting
doesn't have this problem. I should try to see if using my mouse
with the pen tool gives the same problem.

The version of the file you sent does not have a container (except
small ones at the side [possible typed sidenote]). Right?

And use the highlight tool as well as the highlighter pen does not add
a container around the images either.
When you state that you can't reproduce, what OS are you running (I
thought you were a tablet user)?

I have a tablet too but I did not try it there. I only tested thnigs
on my desktop running under XP Pro SP2 with all patches.
Also, you were using the highlighting tool?

Yes. An dte the broad pen too.
I sure hope this is related to my computer or
my installation of ON and not the software.

It seems to be so.
I will reinstall my OS
and software to get this working...

Wouldn't this be a bit of overkill?
Re-installing the OS always kicks me out of operation for at least 3
days and it takes a week or so until the system will be fully
configured again.

P.S. Would you also have a file with the images in the container?

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