Very slow opening of Word and Excel files



This problem has been going on for about 3 weeks. Prior to that there was no
problem. When opening Word and Excel files from explorer it can take up to 30
or 40 seconds before the files open, but when files are opened directly from
within the apps then everything is fine. Other Office apps are OK.

I've tried reinstalling MS Office, no good. If I delete the
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0 key and restart Word it initializes, then
I close Word and double click on a Word file in Explorer, it's very fast. But
if I then logoff, log back on and try again, the problem is still there.
Something happens to the above registry key on logging off. Similarly if I
create a new user, it's fine on first login but on subsequent logins the
problem occurs again. I'm using XP SP2, MSO-SP3, all latest Win & Office
updates. I've also tried uninstalling eTrust ITM, the problem persists.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


I have been trying to figure this one out for awhile now, and I finall
got it!
It's NOT the "move %1 from DDE" fix... I tried that one, word woul
only open blank pages and excel wouldn't open at all.

I recently moved away from Norton and started using AVG o
recommendation from my computer guy.
I upgraded to a dual core CPU and while in the shop he pulled ou
Norton and put in AVG (recently added SAS & MBAM also)
Well, it seems that he didn't completly remove Norton and that's wha
was running the virus scan which was delaying the opening of Offic

I used Norton's removal too
and cleaned up the residual pieces that were still hanging around an
voila!! .doc & .xls open in a flash


PS: AVG has a place to name file .exts to scan, and you can exclude an
that you wan

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