very slow select statement



I have a VB-Access application.
Somewhere in the application, I need to receive data from the database.
I have a select statement that gets the data using 5 tables.
Select statement gets 300 rows of data in almost 25 seconds.
Is it normal (which I think is not)
What can I do to run it faster?

SELECT fd.RecId, c.cust_name, fd.Amount, e.sube_adi, a.dst_acc_no,
FROM table1 AS f, table2 AS fd, table3 AS c, table4 AS a, table5 AS e
WHERE f.Id = fd.Id
fd.CustomerAccId = a.intCustAccId
c.CustId = a.CustId
e.bank_no like & '99999'
And fd.Id = 2
ORDER BY c.cust_name;

Rick Brandt

Dinçer said:
I have a VB-Access application.
Somewhere in the application, I need to receive data from the database.
I have a select statement that gets the data using 5 tables.
Select statement gets 300 rows of data in almost 25 seconds.
Is it normal (which I think is not)
What can I do to run it faster?

SELECT fd.RecId, c.cust_name, fd.Amount, e.sube_adi, a.dst_acc_no,
FROM table1 AS f, table2 AS fd, table3 AS c, table4 AS a, table5 AS e
WHERE f.Id = fd.Id
fd.CustomerAccId = a.intCustAccId
c.CustId = a.CustId
e.bank_no like & '99999'
And fd.Id = 2
ORDER BY c.cust_name;

You're using the older syntax of...

Where SomeFieldInTableA = SomeFieldInTableB

You should be using join syntax instead. Other than that you should make
sure that all fields in the joins, ORDER BY, and WHERE clause are indexed.

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