I'm getting a very strange error when I try to run the follwing code
(in ASP):
sub closePPT()
Dim PPTobj
set PPTobj = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
PPTobj.Visible = True
On Error Resume Next
PPTobj.Quit '<-- Error occurs here
set PPTobj = Nothing
End sub
The output is "-2147023170" for Err.Number, and no value/blank for
Err.Description. It does indeed start an instance of Powerpoint, and
it throws this error on the "PPTobj.Quit" method. The really odd part
is that it used to work flawlessly, I haven't changed this part of the
script, and nothing (i.e. permissions) has changed on the web-server
either. The web server is running win2k service pack 4. I really need
to resolve this asap, if anyone could offer a suggestion I would very
much appreciate it!
- Tristan
(in ASP):
sub closePPT()
Dim PPTobj
set PPTobj = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
PPTobj.Visible = True
On Error Resume Next
PPTobj.Quit '<-- Error occurs here
set PPTobj = Nothing
End sub
The output is "-2147023170" for Err.Number, and no value/blank for
Err.Description. It does indeed start an instance of Powerpoint, and
it throws this error on the "PPTobj.Quit" method. The really odd part
is that it used to work flawlessly, I haven't changed this part of the
script, and nothing (i.e. permissions) has changed on the web-server
either. The web server is running win2k service pack 4. I really need
to resolve this asap, if anyone could offer a suggestion I would very
much appreciate it!
- Tristan