very strange send mail


zippy33sam outlook 2000.mail was working fine til yesterday.i was sending
out mail and didn't know they weren't being received til i went somewhere and
they hadn't got the mail i sent.i never got error messages and they go to my
sent items folder.i've been playing with it for hours and can't figure it out
but discovered something bizarre.if i forward e-mails then they are received
where they should be.if i send out new messages,they don't go where they
should.weird.i checked with my provider,everything good on their end.could it
be my anti-virus?it's avg.everything was fine until today.last night i
downloaded a bit torrent program,hat was it for changes within my computer.
any help would be appreciated.

i can use my hotmail account so i don't think it has to do with my sever at


zippy33sam said: outlook 2000.mail was working fine til yesterday.i was
out mail and didn't know they weren't being received til i went
somewhere and
they hadn't got the mail i sent.i never got error messages and they go
to my
sent items folder.i've been playing with it for hours and can't figure
it out
but discovered something bizarre.if i forward e-mails then they are
where they should be.if i send out new messages,they don't go where

Have you tried sending test mails in plain-text format (and NOT as HTML
or Rich-Text Format)?

Note: Please use capitalization to start sentences and for nouns and add
a space after the period character. Thank you. Don't make your post
hard to read if you really want help.


Vanguard said:
Have you tried sending test mails in plain-text format (and NOT as HTML
or Rich-Text Format)?

Note: Please use capitalization to start sentences and for nouns and add
a space after the period character. Thank you. Don't make your post
hard to read if you really want help.

Post replies to the newsgroup. Share with others.
For e-mail: Remove "NIX" and add "#VN" to Subject.

It is in plain text.I can even e-mail myself,but that's all.
Thanks for trying.


It is in plain text.I can even e-mail myself,but that's all.

If the mail is in your Sent Item folder, your mail server already
accepted it. Thereafter you have no control over its delivery. Perhaps
your mails are getting tagged as spam by your recipient's mail service.
Have them temporarily disable their spam filtering or go look in their
Junk, Bulk, or Trash folders (using the webmail interface to their
accounts since their local e-mail client probably only yanks from the
Inbox and not from the other server-side folders).

Have the recipients disable any server-side spam filtering and also any
server-side rules. They are options they define using the webmail
interface to their mailbox. Have them do the same for client-side spam
filtering and rules. It appears that you did send them but that their
mail server or e-mail client is deleting them perhaps as spam.


Vanguard said:
If the mail is in your Sent Item folder, your mail server already
accepted it. Thereafter you have no control over its delivery. Perhaps
your mails are getting tagged as spam by your recipient's mail service.
Have them temporarily disable their spam filtering or go look in their
Junk, Bulk, or Trash folders (using the webmail interface to their
accounts since their local e-mail client probably only yanks from the
Inbox and not from the other server-side folders).

Have the recipients disable any server-side spam filtering and also any
server-side rules. They are options they define using the webmail
interface to their mailbox. Have them do the same for client-side spam
filtering and rules. It appears that you did send them but that their
mail server or e-mail client is deleting them perhaps as spam.

Post replies to the newsgroup. Share with others.
For e-mail: Remove "NIX" and add "#VN" to Subject.

Thanks for your thoughts.It can't be the recipients BECAUSE THEY WERE ALL ABLE TO GET MY MAIL 2 DAYS AGO BUT NOT NOW.oops,sorry.if i forward mail they are able to receive but not if i send it.Very strange.


Thanks for your thoughts.It can't be the recipients BECAUSE THEY WERE
ALL ABLE TO GET MY MAIL 2 DAYS AGO BUT NOT NOW.oops,sorry.if i forward
mail they are able to receive but not if i send it.Very strange.


Turn on the troubleshooting log in Outlook. Exit outlook and delete any
remnant opm.log file. Load Outlook and send a test mail. Exit Outlook
and look in the logfile. If the mail server got the mail and returned a
status of OK then you sent the mail, the mail server got it, and you
have no further control over its delivery and the problem is on the
recipient's end.

Make sure you are using Outlook's embedded e-mail compose editor rather
than using Word (called by Outlook) when sending the test mails. Also,
writing a message that contains text is not the same as sending in
plain-text mode. You can put text messages within HTML-formatted mails,
too. Make sure the option in Outlook is configured to send only in
plain-text mode.

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