Very Trivial Security Question! Or is it?



Hi gang,

Can you tell me why is it when I try to set "Assign Resources" to DENY in
"Admin > Server Configuration", I can still assign resources?

But when I change the "Assign Resources" in the "My Organization" category
to DENY or NEITHER ALLOW OR DENY only then does "Assign Resources" the DENY
take effect?

I understood that if there is a DENY set in "Admin > Server Configuration",
then it does not matter what you set in Groups or Categories, the feature
would always be set to DENY!!! What's up with this!? How come this does not
work as such??? Are there anyother ones that behave this way??? What am I


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


To turn application features on and off, you should stop and restart IIS.
User permissions are evaluated by the system as each user tries to access
them. Features are turned on and off at application startup.


Hi Gray,

How do you mean, stop ad restart "IIS"? Do you mean, make the changes to
feature(s), log off of PWA then close Internet Explorer window and log back
in to PWA with a new IE session? Because I've been doing that and the
problem persists, and tried again! I even logged off of my Windows XP and
logged back in to PWA, then to Professional where I am still able to assign
resources to new and exiting projects.

Again, Assign Resources only seems to be disabled directly from Category.

Please help!


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


IIS aka Internet Information Services is the web server software that your
Project Server runs on. Stop and restart the service for changes like this
to take affect. The application determines its feature set on start-up, not
on the fly.

On the server, open a command prompt and type "iisreset" without the quotes
and hit enter.

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