Very Urgent Help Needed!: Spaces


Steve Rogers

I am writing up a Word Document for someone that will
allow them to type in information rather than having to
write it on paper. I produced a Word Document that had
all the required information ex: Age: (blank space)
Name: (Blank space) Birth date: (Blank space) etc....

Well it looks great but the problem is that when I go to
type in the open space, everything is pushed over. I've
tried to use the overwrite feature (insert on the
keyboard), but it virtually does the same thing but
worse. All I need to know that is if there is a way to
make it so that when things are typed in the blank space,
nothing is pushed over and everything stays in place.
Help ASAP is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Steve Rogers > écrivait :
In this message, < Steve Rogers > wrote:

|| I am writing up a Word Document for someone that will
|| allow them to type in information rather than having to
|| write it on paper. I produced a Word Document that had
|| all the required information ex: Age: (blank space)
|| Name: (Blank space) Birth date: (Blank space) etc....
|| Well it looks great but the problem is that when I go to
|| type in the open space, everything is pushed over. I've
|| tried to use the overwrite feature (insert on the
|| keyboard), but it virtually does the same thing but
|| worse. All I need to know that is if there is a way to
|| make it so that when things are typed in the blank space,
|| nothing is pushed over and everything stays in place.
|| Help ASAP is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance

Use a table with fixed height and width. Put the static information in a
cell, then an empty cell next to it to type the answer.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


This is what Word forms are for. Insert form fields where you want the
information to be entered.

Steve Rogers

I forgot to add that I wanted to avoid using tables..
perhaps there is a way to use tables but make the
table "lines" invisible?


Excellent! I completely understand what you are talking
about but I do not remember where to get these form
fields. Is it somewhere in the toolbar?

Jean-Guy Marcil


Dans son message, < Steve Rogers > écrivait :
In this message, < Steve Rogers > wrote:

|| I forgot to add that I wanted to avoid using tables..

Why? Only because of the line issue?

|| perhaps there is a way to use tables but make the
|| table "lines" invisible?

What do tyou mean by invisible? Invisibe borders (Seen on screen and when
printed) or invisible grid lines (Seen on screen but not printed)?

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Steve Rogers

Sorry I wasn't clear but I've found a new way to go about
this. Thank you very much for your assistance!

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