Vibrating Hour Glass


Jim Johannsen

Configuration - Windows 2000/Office 2003, 512K memory, DSL

I have been experiencing slowness in maintaining and mailing from
Districution Lists. Quite frequently the hour glass comes on and vibrates
for a long time even though I am only mailing to a distribution list of 10
or so. Usually, the hourglass stays steady when, even when sending to a
Distribution List of 500 or more.

I realize it tales awile to send to 500+ but why does the hourglass vibrate

Sometimes it goes on for a long time and I use Control/Alt/Delete and then
have to restart Outlook. When I do, I get a message about "not closing
properly" and must wait for it to check the file for errors.

It is maddening to have these delays, can anyone help?

Jim Johannsen, Santa Barbara, CA

Brian Tillman

Jim Johannsen said:
I have been experiencing slowness in maintaining and mailing from
Districution Lists. Quite frequently the hour glass comes on and
vibrates for a long time even though I am only mailing to a
distribution list of 10 or so. Usually, the hourglass stays steady
when, even when sending to a Distribution List of 500 or more.

Didn't you post this before?

What do you mean by "vibrates"? Do you mean it shakes back-and-forth? I've
heard of some viruses that cause that behavior. If you don't mean "shakes
back-and-forth", then please explain "vibrates".

Jim Johannsen

Brian - Yes, I posted to three of the Outlook groups because my first
message wasn't answered after it was posted for a couple of weeks.

The hourglass moves quickly in all directions. The only term I can use to
describe it is that it "vibrates"

Jim Johannsen, Santa Barbara, CA

Brian Tillman

Jim Johannsen said:
Brian - Yes, I posted to three of the Outlook groups because my first
message wasn't answered after it was posted for a couple of weeks.

The hourglass moves quickly in all directions. The only term I can
use to describe it is that it "vibrates"

The "Shaker" cursor joke could cause this. I've also seem reports (a couple
of years ago) about a virus that did this, but I can no longer find
reference to it. I don't believe it's an Outlook problem, but something
else on your PC.

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