Video choppy when package



I am creating a large ppt to be distributed via CD with many linked documents
and other ppt. files. I want the CD to autorun. When I use either the
Package for CD or the Package for Folder option, everything works fine except
for the video clips (wmv) with narration (mp3). They are very choppy. Is
there a limit to video size? Is this a problem with the package option or
ppt. viewer? When I burn the files to a CD and manually open the
presentation the videos are fine.

Is my only other option to burn the files to CD and have the users select
the file to open? I prefer not to do this since there are so many linked
files. I prefer it to autorun if possible.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Austin Myers

There really should be no performance difference between an auto vs. manual
run from the CD. Are you absolutely certain you are running the viewer when
you fire it manually? (Normally, clicking the file will start PPT and not
the viewer.)

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions


Sorry, I should have clarified. I am not using the viewer when I open it
manually. Anytime I use the viewer, the video is choppy. When I open the
ppt file itself without the viewer, the video looks fine.

Austin Myers

I guess I am confused here, can you tell me what you are doing step by step
and what results you are seeing?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions


1. I have a ppt presentation (ppt 2003) with narration, video, sound, etc.,
that works fine before I package it.

2. I package the presentation for CD - all appears to go fine. When I
insert the CD and it autoruns, everything works fine except the video clips
that are accompanied by narration. They are very choppy and keep stopping
and starting.

3. I then try the package to folder option, then burn the files to CD.
When I insert the CD, everything works fine again, except for the videos that
have narration.

I am thinking that it may be an issue with the size of the videos, as I
cannot seem to come up with any other reason as to why this is not working.

Austin Myers

Ok, so what all this really comes down to is that the presentation doesn't
play the videos properly from a CD. Is that correct? In that case I
believe the issue is you may have a data rate for the videos that the CD
player can not keep up with when running a presentation from it at the same
time. Imagine for a moment the "read head" of the CD ROM jumping back and
forth between the presentation and the video and you see how it could be an

Solutions or at least things that will help. Keep the slide with the video
simple. No animations when video is running. Do NOT start the video
immediately after a slide transition, give it a couple seconds "padding".

Another possible solution is to reduce the data rate of the video by
compressing it better or in a more friendly format. PFCMedia
( will do all of that for you automatically. I have a free
two trial available so it will cost you nothing to try it and see if it
solves the problem for you.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions


Thanks for the great information. It makes sense what you are saying. I
tried delaying the video a few sections, but that didn't work. I will check
out PFCMedia as well. Thanks again!

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