video for low DSl speed



Please I need some help on how I can publish on my web any video to let the
users be able to watch it if they have low dsl speed and the rest if they
have high dsl speed.
Thanks in advance

Chris Leeds, MVP - FrontPage

besides creating your own script consider using something like it's pretty nice and it'll make things a lot easier for

Chris Leeds
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Thanks Chris for your help but what I need is to let any user using low DSL
speed be able to watch the video and on the other hand the user who has high
DSL speed be able to watch it too.
I need to display this selection on my web but how what is the script that
help me to do that?

Chris Leeds, MVP - FrontPage

basically then you've got to create two different movies.
to make a smaller file size the actual physical size and compression of the
video are usually the key.
then once you've got your two different videos with two different file sizes
just make two hyperlinks like: high speed connection, low speed connection,
then link to the appropriate video.

Chris Leeds
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