Video not available, cannot find vids:mjpg decompressor



A customer that I support has a powerpoint presentation with video clips
inserted in it. The clips are avi files and when he tries launching the clip
he receives the error "video not available, cannot find vids:mjpg

I changed the file extension to mgp and then reinserted the file. My problem
is that the customer may not want to change every file to an mgp. So I was
wondering is there any other way to fix this issue? A setting perhaps or
maybe updating the media version. He has windows media player 9 with the hot
fix at the momemt.

Your help is appreciated.


If your renaming worked it means that the AVI probably came from a camera that
generated a file using the mjpeg codec, but incorrectly named the file with an
AVI extension. All video files from that camera will need to be renamed to make
them work in PowerPoint.

Can you tell us the make and model of the camera? It would be great if we could
start collecting a list of these cameras.

Sonia Coleman
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun Software, Templates and Tutorials

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