Video Tuner connection in works?



Do the OneNote development people take suggestions from here?
OneNote SP1 records video only from "Video Composite" and "Video SVideo", but it is not detecting the "Video Tuner" selection.
Since I do my video recording through that avenue (using All-In-Wonder), I would really like to see OneNote do the basic function of having that as an option for recording video and sound for note taking. Is this a possibility for the non-beta release?

Tom Oliver \(MS\)

I believe the original design idea for video capture in OneNote was to use a
camera to capture a meeting. Are you actually using the All-In-Wonder card
for capturing real data in OneNote, or just trying out the feature? I'm not
sure we expected many to use a tuner to capture meetings.


RJM said:
Do the OneNote development people take suggestions from here?
OneNote SP1 records video only from "Video Composite" and "Video SVideo",
but it is not detecting the "Video Tuner" selection.
Since I do my video recording through that avenue (using All-In-Wonder), I
would really like to see OneNote do the basic function of having that as an
option for recording video and sound for note taking. Is this a possibility
for the non-beta release?

Grant Robertson

"Tom Oliver \(MS\)" said:
I believe the original design idea for video capture in OneNote was to use a
camera to capture a meeting. Are you actually using the All-In-Wonder card
for capturing real data in OneNote, or just trying out the feature? I'm not
sure we expected many to use a tuner to capture meetings.

Lots of students get homework assignments to watch a TV show and take

Tom Oliver \(MS\)

Man, I never got any of those. :) Seriously, we'll look at that for the next
version of OneNote. For the SP1 version we only support a webcam or a
USB-connected camcorder.


Grant Robertson

"Tom Oliver \(MS\)" said:
For the SP1 version we only support a webcam or a
USB-connected camcorder.
Doesn't Windows have a centralized video source selection dialog kind of
like what is there for audio and the TWAIN system?

Tom Oliver \(MS\)

Yes and we don't block anything, so any device might work. We just didn't
test with other devices and can't guarantee they will work. We are working
on a list of supported devices.


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