View 2 reports at the same time. is it possible



I have a form that has 3 combos; cboProduct,cboDateStart,cboDateEnd.
and a preview command button ( cmdP)
The reportA shows the availability of product1 within the period of start
date and end date. Now what I want to do is while reportA is still open , I
want to open reportB that shows the availabiltiy of product2 next to reportA.
so that I can see both reports next to one another. Can this be done ? And do
I go about this ?
Many thanks.

Gina Whipp


First thing that comes to mind is the MoveSize (Right, Down, Width, Height)
function. The following opens a report on half of a 19" monitor at 1152x864
pixels... DoCmd.MoveSize 12220, 1720, 2760, 4440

You might have to come up with something based on Screen Resolution but it
should work.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors


Thank you Gina, I learned something and it works. How about if I use 2
monitors ? i.e Report A on monitor A , reportB on monitorB ? I tried to drag
the 2nd report but it wont move.
Also for the time being I created a second cmd button and a 2nd copy of the
report to be able to open the second reportB, is there a better way ?

Many thanks for your help.

Gina Whipp

You should be able to move both reports so that you can have each 'in' it's
own monitor. The only reason I can think of for this is in the Properties
window of the report... wayyyy at the bottom there is a setting Moveable Yes
or No... Make sure yours is set for Yes.

If you want both reports to open on the same button add ReportB to the
ReportA command button. Not sure how you set your up but this point you in
the right direction...

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportA", acPreview
DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportB", acPreview

Since they have their own MoveSize they should open in their prospective
area on the screen.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

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