View a Non-standard font on a webpage


Amanda George

Is it possible to view special fonts on a web page that I do not have
installed on my computer? I know it is best practice to create web pages
with generic fonts, so the page's viewing audience can read the text clearly.
Is there a way to use a non-standard font on my webpage? How can I ensure
others can view this font knowing that they don't have it installed on their
computer? Please advise, thank you.

E. T. Culling

Use your image editing software to create a .gif of the text you want to
use. What software do you have.?

Amanda George

I would be using FrontPage to create the webpage. Is there a way to upload a
font to a FrontPage directory?



There is no reliable/practical way to do this, OTHER than to use something
like what is called sIFR (Google for it), but it depends on a) javascript,
and b) your visitor having the Flash plugin installed. If neither of those
is a problem, then it works quite nicely.

Rick Budde


Eleanor is suggesting you use another program (eg,
Photoshop Elements) to create your text in the fonts you
desire. Front Page will not accomplish it.

Once you have created the text as a graphic image (saved
in the .gif format suggested by Eleanor), you would then
import it into your Front Page disk-based web just as you
would another other graphics you want to be included in
your web. Once imported into your web, place it on your
page(s) where you want it to be.

When the visitor views your web page on line, their
browser will display the graphic ... no font downloads

E. T. Culling

Thank you for adding all of that. Sometime soon I intend to write a tutorial
explaining in detail just how to do this.

Andrew Murray

the draw back to using an image with the font is if entire paragraphs are written
with the special font.....

Andrew Murray

the other solution (which may and probably will turn visitors away) is to zip the
font file and publish it to your site, and ask visitors to install that font on
their systems (as if there isn't enough in the world of addins, plugins, viewers
and so on to install already).

While it may not be a problem for experienced web users, those who are computer
novices may not waste time with doing so, and would just want the information
your site contains, not care whether it is in a Olde English font or Arial - it's
all the same to them.

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