"view all proposals" not showing the proposals


Guy Melamed

Hi all,

One of the senior executives at one of my clients has wierd problem.
When someone proposes a new time for a meeting that he organized, he is
unable to view the propsed time in the scheduling tab of the meeting request.
In fact, the "Proposed Date and Time" that was supposed to be in the upper
part of the scheduling tab is missing, though the "View All Proposals" button

I tested this with other mailboxes on other computers, and it working as it
shuold (the "Proposed Date and Time" exist).
I tested this with the same mailbox on another computer, and the problem

The client is Using Outlook 2003 SP2 on Windows XP SP2 and Exchange 2003 SP1
on Windows 2003 SP1.

I am quiet sure that if I recreate the problematic mailbox I will solve the
problem but I don't want to do this.

Any other suggestions?


Sally Qiu [MSFT]

Hi there,

Thanks for posting here. From your post, I understand your concern is that
"view all proposals" not showing the proposals in Outlook.

If I am off base, please feel free to let me know.

From you log, I notice the issue persists when you logon on another
non-problematic computer with the problematic mailbox. Since other mailbox
can work on this computer well, it seems this is an mailbox issue on
exchange server side rather than Outlook client.

I think the most fast resolution is to recreate a new mailbox on exchange.
However, if you insists not to create a new mail box, I suggest you can
repost the issue in exchange public newsgroup for further help.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

Sally Qiu, MCSE 2003
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Guy Melamed

Hi Sally,

Thank you for replying my post.

You understood corectly that I do not want to create a new mailbox, becuase
that will create a new set of folders with new folders ID's, break rules, and
so on.

I do not think this is an Exchange issue, becuase Exchange is just the
location where the messages are stored.

If I had the same problem with Outlook that was working on a local PST file,
you wouldn't ask me to post the question to the Windows XP newsgroup, right?

There is probably a problem with the data inside the mailbox, and I expect
the Outlook newsgroup to be the place that deals with this kind of problems.

Guy Melamed
MCSE: Messgaing (2000/2003)

Sally Qiu said:
Hi there,

Thanks for posting here. From your post, I understand your concern is that
"view all proposals" not showing the proposals in Outlook.

If I am off base, please feel free to let me know.

From you log, I notice the issue persists when you logon on another
non-problematic computer with the problematic mailbox. Since other mailbox
can work on this computer well, it seems this is an mailbox issue on
exchange server side rather than Outlook client.

I think the most fast resolution is to recreate a new mailbox on exchange.
However, if you insists not to create a new mail box, I suggest you can
repost the issue in exchange public newsgroup for further help.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

Sally Qiu, MCSE 2003
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Sally Qiu [MSFT]

Hi Guy,

Thanks for your update.

Let me explain your issue. First Exchange is not just a container which
store the email. Lots of properties of mailbox are stored on the Exchange.

Let's explain why this is considered to be an server side issue. As you
mentioned when you other computer and log on with another mail box, the
issue is not exists. That's to say the Outlook on "other computer" works
well. However, you next to use this mail box on the same computer, same
Outlook, the issue occurs again. That is to say, the issue is not related
to Outlook otherwise why a sound Outlook appears the same error.

The only reason is mailbox issue on the Exchange server. If mailbox is
corrupt whatever what pst you are using, the issue will forever persist.

Hence this is a server side issue.

Hope it is clarified.

Thanks for checking my explanation.

Have a good day!

Thanks & Regards,

Sally Qiu, MCSE 2003
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Thread-Topic: "view all proposals" not showing the proposals
thread-index: AccSFq3raERf+coJSlmm2hMhe2SEBA==
From: =?Utf-8?B?R3V5IE1lbGFtZWQ=?= <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: "view all proposals" not showing the proposals
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:25:02 -0800
Lines: 123
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Hi Sally,

Thank you for replying my post.

You understood corectly that I do not want to create a new mailbox, becuase
that will create a new set of folders with new folders ID's, break rules, and
so on.

I do not think this is an Exchange issue, becuase Exchange is just the
location where the messages are stored.

If I had the same problem with Outlook that was working on a local PST file,
you wouldn't ask me to post the question to the Windows XP newsgroup, right?

There is probably a problem with the data inside the mailbox, and I expect
the Outlook newsgroup to be the place that deals with this kind of problems.


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