View BCC addresses for sent mail in Entourage



When I go back and look at a sent message I cannot find who I blind
copied. I have tried to hit "resend" to see if the BCC address pop up
again but they don't. I have also turned off the internet header but
still can't find who I BCC.

Is there any way to see who I BCC on a sent e-mail in Entourage?

Adam Bailey

When I go back and look at a sent message I cannot find who I blind
copied. I have tried to hit "resend" to see if the BCC address pop up
again but they don't. I have also turned off the internet header but
still can't find who I BCC.

Is there any way to see who I BCC on a sent e-mail in Entourage?

Make sure you're double-clicking on the message to view it in its own window
- BCCs will not show in the Preview Pane. Also, Entourage has to have sent
the message - you won't see BCCs sent in other programs like webmail.

A screenshot of how it /should/ look can be found at:

Let us know if yours differs from that.

Adam Bailey

Thank you for responding. I still can't see the BCC addresses I may
have sent to. I have my hotmail routed through Entourage could that
be the problem? Hotmail "deletes" the BCC information after sending,
Entourage syncs with hotmail, and then the BCC information is gone?

It shouldn't work that way but I suppose it's possible. Hopefully someone
with a Hotmail account can chime in to see if they're experiencing this


I still can not see my bcc addresses even when I open in a new window. I am using microsoft exchange server - perhaps this is the problem?

Doug (Microsoft)

I still can not see my bcc addresses even when I open in a new window. I am
using microsoft exchange server - perhaps this is the problem?


The BCC will not show up till you enter a BCC address. In the new message,
click anywhere in the address bar and the addressing bar will pop up.

You should see 3 fields, To, CC, and BCC. If you click in the BCC and enter
a user address it will show up when you close the address window.

Or are saying that the popup window doesn't give you the option to send via

Doug - dougstATmicrosoftDOTcom
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

Ed Kimball


The BCC will not show up till you enter a BCC address. In the new message,
click anywhere in the address bar and the addressing bar will pop up.

You should see 3 fields, To, CC, and BCC. If you click in the BCC and enter
a user address it will show up when you close the address window.

Or are saying that the popup window doesn't give you the option to send via

Doug - dougstATmicrosoftDOTcom
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

I don't think you read Scott's message the same way I did. It looks to me as
if he wants to see BCC addresses for mail he has previously SENT.

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