View filename - Excel 2007



I've just upgraded to Excel 2007.

Excel 2003 used to have an option to display the name of the saved worksheet
file at the top of the screen. I'm sure Excel 2007 has this option, but I
can't figure out how to turn it on.

Can anyone help?


Mike H


I too am new to E2007 but I'm not aware of any way to switch it off in E2007
without using code. There are various things you can do not limited too:-

Set things back to default
Application.Caption = ""

display the name
Application.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.Name

Display the path and name
Application.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.FullName

Put your own text in

Application.Caption = "You'll never walk alone"


Gord Dibben

Do you mean fullname including path?

Excel 2003 never had that option AFAIK

I hope I am wrong but I don't think there is a setting for that.

You can use VBA.

Either workbook_open event code...........

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End Sub

To clear when closing...............

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.Caption = ""
End Sub

Or a toggle macro..........

Sub CaptionToggle()
' toggles title bar between document name and full path
If ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.Name Then
ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Else: ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.Name
End If
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP



Excel 2003 has a "Web" toolbar under View/Toolbars/Web

This will show the current file name in the "address" portion of the web

Let me know.


Thanks to all for your suggestions.

Mike H - I don't want to switch it off. I want to switch it on.

Ms-Exl-Learner - Thanks. That's just what I'm looking for.

Gord - Yes, Excel 2003 did have the ability to display the full file name
including path.

Orlando - I know that Excel 2003 has it. I used it frequently. What I'm
trying to do is to find the corresponding feature in Excel 2007 - that was
the purpose of my original post.

Gord Dibben

Could you please point me to the settings for that feature?

I mean without VBA, of course.


Gord Dibben

You are happy with the Web Toolbar?

Not what I would consider showing "at the top of the screen"

I mis-assumed you meant on the Title Bar


Dave Peterson

xl2003 doesn't have anything builtin to do display the full path in the caption.

If you really, really, really think you're right, maybe you could explain to to
turn it on in xl2003. There may be ways to translate those instructions to

On the other hand, you could use code like what Gord suggested--but make it more
automatic by using an application event.

If you want to try, start a new workbook (or use your personal.xlsm/.xlsb/.xls

This goes under the ThisWorkbook module--not in a General module, not in a
worksheet module.

Option Explicit
Public WithEvents xlApp As Excel.Application
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set xlApp = Application
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Close()
Set xlApp = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub xlApp_WindowActivate(ByVal Wb As Workbook, ByVal Wn As Window)
Wn.Caption = Wb.FullName
End Sub

If you save that workbook in your XLStart folder, then each time excel opens,
this workbook will open.

If you're new to macros:

Debra Dalgleish has some notes how to implement macros here:

David McRitchie has an intro to macros:

Ron de Bruin's intro to macros:

(General, Regular and Standard modules all describe the same thing.)

If you really saw the full name in the caption, then you had one of these
helpful macros running. And if you don't see the fullname in the caption, then
either you didn't bring the workbook with that macro, or didn't put it in the
correct location, or didn't allow macros to run.

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