View List Items in Combo Box



Please help!
I have a couple different combo boxes with two columns of data each and
linked using vlookup. Both combo boxes were created from the control
When I created the first, it was working just fine, and I could see data
from both columns after I made my choice from the drop down menu. Now, I can
only see the data from the column on the left and not the one on the right in
the combo box after I make my choice. When I made the second combo box, it
allowed view of only one column from the get-go. When I view the drop down
list choices, I can see both columns of info.
It is always possible that I may have ignorantly changed a field in
properties. But, I can not figure out how to fix this.

Ronald Dodge

The control toolbar is the same thing as the Control Toolbox button on the
Visual Basic Editor, which is the set of tools I prefer to use over the
Forms set of control objects.

First, go into design mode (the design button on the Control toolbar pressed

Click on the Combo box that you want to adjust some of the properties on it

Click on the Properties button on the Control Toolbar.

Enlargen the area of the properties dialog box, so as you can see most of it
if not all of the properties on it and it's wide enough to see the different
values in it.

You can have multiple columns showing, but only one column can be bound,
which is determined by the "BoundColumn" property. What "N"th column of the
columns you have showing do you want to have bound to the combobox object?

ColumnCount - How many columns do you want showing in the combobox?

ColumnWidths - Numeric values measured in points (72 points to an inch) with
a semicolon to separate the width for each column (Example: 18;9;108 is the
same as first column is 0.25" wide, column 2 is 0.125" wide, and column 3 is
1.5" wide)

ListFillRange - What is the range for it to retrieve this data?

These are just a few of the many properties in the combo box that can also
be controlled fairly easily in VBA.

Ronald R. Dodge, Jr.
Master MOUS 2000


Yes, that has already been done. The problem is that the other column data
- despite the box being large enough and the settings for each column
sufficient - is not viewable any longer. Even starting from scratch with a
new file does not work. It is quite frustrating.

Dave Peterson

You sure you aren't remembering how a listbox with multiple columns works.

I've never seen multiple columns in the selected item in a combobox?

Or maybe you concatenated the 2 columns into one longer string??????

Ronald Dodge

I do have a VBA combo box with multiple columns in it, but rather I have it
as part of a UserForm, not directly on a worksheet.

On the other hand, only the bound data would show within the textbox portion
of the combo box when an item is selected. It's within the drop down list
portion of the combo box where you can see the multiple columns of data.

Ronald R. Dodge, Jr.
Master MOUS 2000

Dave Peterson

That's what I see, too.

But the OP wrote that he/she could see both columns after making the choice.

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