View Resource Assign Shows Tasks No Longer in Ent. Project - How?



OK, let me start by saying that I have been trying to reproduce this for
several days and cannot. Several of our projects, being run by different
PMs, have tasks that show up in PWA > View Resource Assignments but were
removed from the projects several weeks/days ago. In at least one case the
ID has been re-used and two tasks appear in PWA with the same Ent. Proj. ID &
Task ID, assigned to different Ent. Resources.

Any ideas how this could happen?

I have republished the plans and the tasks & assignments numerous times, but
nothing available in the Project Pro UI seems to correct this problem.




None of these tasks appears with an X in the info field and, as such, is not
marked as having been removed from the project. I understand that yourscript
will get rid of cancelled/deleted tasks, but what if they are not marked as

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


I am having the same problem. I seem to have some "orphaned" web assignments
that do not have the WASSN_DELETED_IN_PROJ flag set to non zero, but are no
longer in the project. Any thoughts on how to clean these up?


Not yet. As the orphaned tasks show up on the "late tasks" report we're
using, this issue is really gerenating a lot of heat from Sr. Mgt.

I'd like to figure out how they got there, too. I'm starting to suspect
that Project let a PM publish a project that he didn't have checked out or
that wasn't based on the version he had checked out, but it's a long-shot.

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


I did see this note shown below from another post. I'm not sure if this is
what happened or not. In any case, I wish Microsoft would address this
somehow either with automatic retraction of web assignments when they are
deleted or with a database cleanup routine.

Response from Gary Chefetz...
"The cause is fairly simple: You can't just delete tasks in the project plan
after they've been published. You need first to close them out by removing
remaining work, and the resource, publishing these changes and then you can
delete the tasks. By deleting the tasks without regard to closing out the
assignments, you effectively created a raft of orphaned assignments."


I agree, something needs to be done. If I told our PMs that they needed to
zero out remaining work and remove resources from the tasks they want to
delete, they would think I was crazy. I guess I just don't understand why
tasks (and corresponding DB records) just can't just be deleted (not a
soft-delete "cancellation") if no time has been logged againgst the task. I
think that my users would understand that tasks that no longer appear on
their timesheets are no longer valid tasks and should no longer be worked on.
I also believe that any PM worth his/her pay wouldn't just be deleting tasks
without communicating this with the project team (or at least the team
members affected by the change).

If time has been logged, them the PM needs to be challenged at the time of
the delete (or possibly when republishing the task/project) as to the
disposition of the time already entered by the resource(s).

Now I'll get off my soapbox...

Just to reiterate the original problem: Almost all of our cancelled
assignments are marked as cancelled, WASSN_DELETED_IN_PROJ <> 0, but some
cancelled assignments have WASSN_DELETED_IN_PROJ = 0. How did they get
there? How can I determine which assignments are legit when looking at the
View Resource Assignments pages in PWA?

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


can we manually update the msp_web_assignments table with
wassn_deleted_in_proj = 1 for the ghost assignements ?



Yes you can, but depending on the scope of the problem (# of projects, # of
tasks, # of assignments) locating the ghost assignments can be daunting.

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development


Here I am back at my own thread as this appears to be a problem after
applying SP2. Orphaned task assignments that do not show as cancelled tasks
eventhough they should. Anyone have any new info on this?

Dan Beebe
Manager, Technology & Development

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