Yes, you can place a button to bring up the Reviewing toolbar on one of your
existing toolbars, using Tools>Customise...
Or, you can simply drag the buttons for the reviewing functionality you
actually use onto the Standard or Formatting toolbar.
Or, you can make your own toolbar and copy all the buttons from the
Reviewing toolbar onto it. The Reviewing toolbar gets hidden every time
Word thinks you don't need it. Your own toolbar will not.
Or, you can tell your Students to insert a Comment containing their name at
the front of the document. That way, whenever you open one of their
documents, the default Reviewing toolbar will show
Currently when I wish to review a document I have to find and open the
Reviewing toolbar...that's OK if you have to do it occasionally, but I am
currently wading through assessment and review of 70+ different papers and
dn't want to have to do this with every there any way that I can
choose to have the review toolbar there ALWAYS as in previous versions of
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John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia