View settings are changing


Ralph Malph

I have a user with Outlook 2003. She will setup her inbox/sent box/anybox to
display the way she wants. She will choose which columns to show such as the
"From" column instead of the "Sent By" column, etc. She will exit and restart
Outlook many times over the course of a week or two and all her setting will
remain intact. Then with out apparent rhyme or reason she will start Outlook
and all her view settings will be changed and she will have to go back and
set them up again.

Has anyone else heard of this happening and/or does anyone know of a fix etc.


Ralph Malph



Seems like the datafile related to Views is corrupted. Try running a search
for the file views.dat and rename it to .old
Restart the machine and open Outlook so that it resets the settings to the
Hopefully it should work on the long run. :)



Ralph Malph


Thank you for your response. I have given your suggestion a try and over the
course of the next week we will see if it has fixed the problem.

Thanks again,

Ralph Malph

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