View SSI files in Frontpage (2003)




Hope you have more / different information regarding the
use of SSI (Server Side Include) files thank I have been
able to locate.

I have included the following code in many pages created,
and while viewable in a published version off my server,
I cannot view the file while editing in FrontPage:
<!--#include file="copyright.txt" -->

The only way I have been able to successfully use AND
view SSI files in FrontPage is through using the "Insert
Web Component > Included Component > Page" menu items.
The subsequent code is:
<!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="copyright.txt"
TAG="BODY" -->

Is there any way to view the <!--#include
file="copyright.txt" --> SSI file while editing in and
with FrontPage (I have version 2003)?




Thanks for the quick response.

Just to clarify, what is the difference between a
SSI "directive" and the 'webbot bot="Include" U-
Include="filename.txt"' Frontpage uses?



-----Original Message-----
Hi Lonnie,

Not possible as the first is a server side include directive.

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
J-Bots Plus 2002 87 components for FrontPage lp_dir.htm
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible

"Lonnie" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...

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