Mac said:
I have a database that needs to be viewed by a number of
people who currently don't have Access installed on their
computers. It's going to take some time to convince the
company to buy additional licenses, so can anyone suggest
a viewer that can be downloaded off the net?
There is no such thing.
One can purchase the Developer's Version of Office (the exact name has
changed with just about every Office release) which provides tools (and
license) to distribute a Runtime version of Access so your app can be used
on PCs without a licensed version of Access installed.
This is a pricey package so you don't reach a break even point compared to
just buying more copies of Access unless you will need to install on at
least "several" PCs. This is especially true when you take into account
the extra work involved.
An Access app delivered with the Runtime requires more work and must be
much more polished than is required when the end user will have a licensed
version of Access installed. The Runtime removes much of the built in
interface, tools, menus, etc., which have to be replaced by the developer.