Viewing a PDF in Same Frame or New Window



My boss wants to view the pdfs in the site not - thru the reader on the
system. He does not like the window poping up reading "the acrobat/reader
that is running can not be used to viwe PDF files in a Web Browers. Please
exit adobe acrobat/reader and try again." He feels no one will do this - once
you say ok it opens up in the reader on your desk top. I try same frame, new
window, etc. and it still wants to open the doc's in the Acobrat Reader - Am
I missing something? I know this is so simple and I am just over looking it.
Please HELP!! Trying not to let this kick me to the curb!

Thomas A. Rowe

A PDF file will always open in the Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, depending on how the user has it
configured on his PC,

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


My boss wants to view the pdfs in the site not - thru the reader on the
system. He does not like the window poping up reading  "the acrobat/reader
that is running can not be used to viwe PDF files in a Web Browers. Please
exit adobe acrobat/reader and try again." He feels no one will do this - once
you say ok it opens up in the reader on your desk top. I try same frame, new
window, etc. and it still wants to open the doc's in the Acobrat Reader -Am
I missing something? I know this is so simple and I am just over looking it.
Please HELP!! Trying not to let this kick me to the curb!

Wonder if Acrobat Reader needs reinstalling or newer version
pretty certain the default setting will auto open PDF's either inthe
reader if openning a file
saved on Pc, or in IExplorer if from the web, this error msg - would
tend to indicate
there's something wrong - you tried it from another Pc presumably, and
it opened up ok?

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