Do you mean that it has an EXE extension or ...? What identifies it as an EXE
to you?
Are you using Package for CD or Pack and GO on the PC?
Same deal ... you need either a reader or PowerPoint to view PPT files.
And the user may need to start the viewer/PPT and use File, Open to start the
show. Doubleclicking the file's icon may not work.
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Thanks for your input Steve.
Regarding the EXE, when I pop the disc in my MAC (on which I have
Powerpoint for MAC v.X), the icon is a dark grey window with a green
EXEC (sorry not EXE-my bad) in the corner, but the filename itself has
a .pps suffix. When I get info on the file, it says it's a powerpoint
file, but when I go to open it, I get an error message saying that the
file is either corrupt, in use, or of a type not recognized by
When my client tried to open the document on the disc I sent him ( he
is using a PC), he received an error message: Powerpoint can't read:
filename or if he copys it to his desktop and tries opening it
directly from Powerpoint (not sure what version of powerpoint he has),
he gets this message: Powerpoint cannot poen the type of file
represented by filename
Basically we had 100 discs made with this .pps show, the client was to
hand them out as a training tool to PC-based customers. I assumed that
any one who had Powerpoint should be able to view the show, but
evidently that is not the case.
I had the cd's burned by a company that duplicates cd's, but my
initial burn was from the program called 'Toast'. I transferred the
original .pps from PC to MAC and then burned the disc on my MAC.
I also tried to burn a disc on the PC using SONIC Record Now.
Also, is Powerpoint Reader/Viewer built into the Powerpoint
application package or must it be downloaded as a separate
Thanks for all your help.