viewing data in excel



i'm trying to look at the contents of an ole object field which at the
moment displays only "long binary field" in all its cells. i'm storing
the data in a variable using the get chunk method as shown below.

Sub SetDataToVariable()

Dim dbsNozztst As Database
Dim rstLngBinDat As Recordset
Dim varVariable As Variant
Const conChunksize = 32768

'open database "db1.mdb" and recordset "dbt_Pruefbericht"
Set dbsNozztst = OpenDatabase("db1.mdb")
Set rstLngBinDat = dbsNozztst.OpenRecordset("dbt_Pruefbericht")

'use GetChunk method to assign long binary data to a variable
Set varVariable = rstLngBinDat!dbf_MessDaten.GetChunk(0, conChunksize)

'close database and recordset

End Sub

problem is i don't know how to get at this variable from excel and even
then not too sure if i'll actually see the data i want. Any help very
much appreciated.

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