Viewing data on computer screen


Ann Davidson

I set my fonts for this paricular worksheet at 48 and 72. When it prints
outs, it's very readable. Problem is I can not figure out how to see the
entire worksheet on my computer screen... I only see two of the seven
column???? Then when I go into View...I keep trying various options, but the
best I get is a smaller view of everthing and then no grid lines show... and
I am unable to add columns in this view mode?????


Sounds like you are on the Page-break Preview mode - click on View |
Normal to get out of it.

You can adjust the amount of zoom on your sheet - if the zoom icon is
not visible on the toolbar, then click on View | Zoom and in the pop-
up panel there are a few that you can choose from, or you can click on
Custom to set a zoom level that is not listed. Click OK to see what
your setting looks like (you can easily change it again if it is too

Hope this helps.


Earl Kiosterud


First of all, 48 and 72 are quite large. 72, when printed, would be one inch in height. Not
room for a whole lot of that on one page. If you must have it that large, you can change
the zoom percentage for the screen (a combo box on the standard toolbar, or with View -
Zoom). You can also use more normal font sizes (10 or so), then change the print size in
File - Page Setup, "Adjust to."

Regards from Virginia Beach,

Earl Kiosterud

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