viewing form full screen



can anyone tell me in baby language how i can set the form to open full
thanx pat


If you just want the form to fill the entire Access window, you can do this:
Open the form in design view.
Display the form's Property Sheet.
Scroll down to the entry for OnOpen.
Highlight that entry, and click the down arrow at the right of the box.
Select [Event Procedure].
Now click on the button with 3 dots at the end of that line.
A code window will open, with the cursor between these two lines:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel as Integer)
End Sub
Between those two lines, type this:

You should now be able to close that (code) window, and save your form.
Now when you open it, it will fill the entire Access Window.

If you are thinking of either making the Access Window fill the entire
screen, or displaying your form without the Access window, be aware that
while these things can be done by advanced programmers, they do not
constitute "baby steps".

- Turtle


mine says Private Sub Detail_Click ()
End Sub

with the bits above it for my combo search box. Wld i substitute the command
u gave me?
this is a database going into a salon where the pc operator is not pc
literate and i thght it wld be easier if she cldn't see the access toolbar.
but maybe not? if it opens full screen, do i get out of it with esc as in
word, or not?
thanx for the promp answer
cheers pat

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