Viewing Individual Non-printable characters from a String in Hexadecimal


Roger Henfrey

I'm using VBA 6.3 and would be most grateful for help in how to view individual non-printable bytes from a string in readable hexadecimal format. Every way I try it I get type conversion errors.

E.g. How would I be able to see the following character in hexadecimal :



Hi Roger,
First off, if it is non-printable, it usually does not have a visual char
that can be "seen".
Here is one way to get the hex value of the unknow char.

Sub test()
Dim stLen, MyHex, MyStr, MyChr

stLen = Len(Cells(1, 1).Text)
MyStr = Cells(1, 1).Text

For i = 1 To stLen
MyHex = Mid(MyStr, i, 1)
MyChr = Hex(Asc(MyHex))
' REM print the character, hex value, ASCII value
Debug.Print MyHex, MyChr, Asc(MyHex)
End Sub

johnf 202 at hotmail dot com

| I'm using VBA 6.3 and would be most grateful for help in how to view
individual non-printable bytes from a string in readable hexadecimal format.
Every way I try it I get type conversion errors.
| E.g. How would I be able to see the following character in hexadecimal :
| Left$(strMyString,1)

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