Viewing info in the subform




I am still having problems with this, i am desprate to get it fixed can
anyone help see below for details.


When i open the form it automatically goes to a new record which is blank.
I select Company the company details show up, this information is on the main
form. ( If that company already has coolers i want this information also to
come up at the moment it doesn't.) so i put the cooler information in for the
new cooler and add the record. At the botomof the form on the left there are
nav buttons to scroll through existing records, when i scroll back over
existing records i get company information and the information on all the
coolers that are in that company. My problem is i can't get this information
on a new record and i want to. I hope this explains it properly. Thanks

Right there was code telling the form to open on a new record, i did that coz
i wanted that to happen, i have taken it away. Now when opening the form
the first record shows up. Say its Customer1 with address1 and phone no1 ect
on the main form and cooler1 info in the subform. Say i want to add a new
cooler to customer7 and customer7 already has 3 coolers. If i select
customer7 from the companyname combo box address7, phone no7 ect go into the
fields automatically fine. Cooler 1 info remains in the subform. I want
cooler7 info to automatically show in the subform at the same time as the
address7 and phone7 info shows and then i want to be able to add the new
cooler info in the subform. I need to be able to see the existing coolers
before i add a new one. I know its a problem between the main form and the
subform but i don't know what it is.


Hi Natasha

Open the main form in design view.
Click the subform and open the properties box
Select the data column
Ensure that link master and child fields are correct.

If not
Add a field to the sub form (normally the linking ID field).

Then go back to the main form and link the child and master fields (on the
subform properties)

Hope this helps


Already have that done. still have problem

Wayne-I-M said:
Hi Natasha

Open the main form in design view.
Click the subform and open the properties box
Select the data column
Ensure that link master and child fields are correct.

If not
Add a field to the sub form (normally the linking ID field).

Then go back to the main form and link the child and master fields (on the
subform properties)

Hope this helps



To do what you want to do the data source for the main form should be
Companies and the data source for your coolers subform should be your
coolers table(or query). That way when the record on the main form changes
from company1 to company7, the subform records will be those for company7,
assuming the main form and subform are linked on your companyID. Also make
sure the properties of the subform allow for both Edits and Additions.


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