viewing information



I'm very new to access. My boss wants me to design a form to enter
information on testing a produce. He wants to be able to view all the
information that he enters for the month. He wants to be able to view
previous information. I have the table and form designed but you can only
see the form that you are entering information on. You can't go back to
previous ones. I also want to be able to print just the report that is being
view by entering ID # or something like that. If someone can help I will
greatly appriecate it. Thank you in advance. Have a great day!


How do you have the form set up?
You need to have the form record source be the table where your data is
Then you need to display the standard navigation buttons. This will enable
you to page thru the entire table back and forward and also to create new
records. You can also go directly to any record via its record number.
This is the most simple interface that you can have to a table. It is really
a terrible design but it will do what you want. Anything beyond this needs
some knowledge of Access.
Your boss can hardly expect you to design Access databases without any
knowledge or training.


dcc15 via

Do a Query on the table (I assume there is a Date field) using the fields
needed. In the Date Criteria put [Beginning Date] Between [Ending Date], Base
a form or report (or just run/view the query), Note: a report can not edit
(best for printing). Another query with [Enter ID Number] in the ID# Criteria
will return the single (specified) record. These queries can be used in
datasheet view (run the query). form view (base the form on the query) or as
a report (base the report on the query), or any combination.
Good Luck, I'm learning too.

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