Hi Gus,
We have spent quite a bit of time on this issue with little success. I do
not believe there are any web parts for reading, writing, etc WSS site
records such as Risks, Issues and so on.
The Risks and Issues table can be simple or complex depending on your stand
point. If you have not customised the data entry screens it is simple, if yo
uhave customised the Issue/Risk entry screen it gets complex. By customise I
mean added some of you own fields for tracking extra information. Changing
views (lists) is okay, but if you are adding extra Risk/Issue fields it gets
The reason is that you need to make this change on every individual site
that WSS builds (ie every single project). The problem you then get is that
if you do not control the exact order in which you add the new fields then
the data can be stored in na different database field for each site. The
label will be the same on all sites, but the physical location of that data
could be a different "user/spare" field in each site.
The meta data for defining which field stores what data for each site is
kept in a field inside a separate table. Your web part would need to read
the meta data mapping, determine what fields hold what values and then
generate a simple SQL select statement that will list required fields and
rows based on passed filter parameters.
I have not yet found a web part or any other offering from Microsoft or any
partner that provided that solution. If anyone knows of one I would love to
get more information about.